Raven's Home Wiki
I mean, I may not be good at laundry, you know, or cooking, but I can redecorate a bedroom, like a boss!
Chelsea to Nia.

"Big Trouble in Little Apartment"[2] is the second episode in Season 1 of Raven's Home. It first aired on July 28, 2017 to 1.66 million viewers.[3]



Unbeknownst to Raven, Nia is starting to feel like their apartment isn’t big enough for everyone, after giving up her room to Chelsea, but doesn’t want to admit to her mom that she misses her privacy and turns to her dad Devon for help.[1]

Full Plot[]

Now that Chelsea is living with the Baxters, everyone seems to be happy except Nia. Raven gets to live with her best friend; and Booker gets to have a little brother roommate, Levi to play with. But Nia had to give up her bedroom and start sleeping on the couch, with zero privacy. She tells Tess that she doesn't like sleeping on the couch but is trying to put up with the situation to make everyone else happy.

Devon, Raven's ex-husband, comes to pick up the kids in the morning and tells them that he has a big interview coming up. Raven and Devon say that even though they're divorced, they're still friends and happy to be raising their kids together.

Meanwhile, Booker is trying his best to impress Levi. After running out of games to play, Levi mentions that he used to have a trampoline. Booker asks Raven for a trampoline but she refuses. When Booker gets a vision of Levi moving out, he becomes more determined than ever to get a trampoline for their bedroom. So, Booker sneaks past his mom and orders a trampoline online for same-day delivery.

Nia's privacy concerns are escalated when Raven starts embarrassing her by holding Nia's bra and telling everyone about it. While Booker is trying to impress Levi so that he doesn't move out, Nia tries talking to him about her situation. But Booker doesn't have time for her. No one seems to have time for Nia. So, Nia is left with just one option. She leaves.

After realizing that Nia is missing, Raven and Booker track her to the expensive Parlez Vouz Cafe. They sneak into the cafe and hide behind the bushes and objects to spy on Nia. It turns out that Nia is meeting up with her dad, Devon. She tells Devon about the living situation. She asks to move in with him. Devon reveals that he passed the interview and got the job. But the job is in Dallas. So, if Nia were to move in with him, she would have to leave town and the rest of the family. Raven and Booker's spying is jeopardized when Booker messes the coffee machine. They're forced to leave.

Later that evening, Raven and Nia talk about Nia's living situation. They agree to figure it out together. But then Chelsea has even better news. She reveals that she sold Booker and Levi's unauthorized trampoline and bought a bunked bed so that she can move into Raven's bedroom. This way, Nia gets her old bedroom back and be happy.


Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


  • Nia's living situation is finally addressed in this episode after being hinted at in Baxter's Back!.
  • Devon's storyline of moving to Dallas is introduced in this episode. He eventually moves in The Bearer of Dad News.


  • Jonathan McDaniels reprises his role as Raven's husband, Devon, from That's So Raven.[4]
  • The title is a play on the cult film, Big Trouble In Little China.
  • Nia asks Devon to move with him, and he was happy to accept, although his job offer was positioned to be in Dallas.
  • Booker tried to make Levi as home as possible.
  • The Bearer of Dad News is the next episode following on from this after the cliffhanger of which Devon moves to Dallas.
  • This was the second episode of the season filmed before a live audience.
  • "Raven's Home was shot under a live studio audience" has a different emphasis to the previous episode.
  • Tess wears Vans Sk8 Hi sneakers in this episode.


  • Booker gets a vision of Levi moving out.


Nia Hey.
Booker Hey.
Nia I saw you at the cafe.
Booker Ohh, huh! I see where this is goin'. I was trying to help. Everyone thinks I'm just this good-lookin', naturally shredded, slam dunk master.
Nia Nobody thinks that.
Devon: I'd say I have an 85 to 90% chance of blowin' their minds.
Raven: I don't care if we're divorced, that is hot.
Booker, Nia and Levi: Eww!
Raven: Booker, what did you do??
Booker: I just pressed a few buttons...
Raven: Oh snap!


Ravens Home Logo
The image gallery for Big Trouble in Little Apartment may be viewed here.


The completed transcript for this episode may be viewed here


Raven's Home Episodes
Season 1
Baxter's Back!Big Trouble in Little ApartmentThe Baxters Get BouncedThe Bearer of Dad NewsYou're Gonna Get ItAdventures in Mommy-SittingDancing TweenVending the RulesIn-Vision of PrivacyFears of a ClownThe Baxtercism of Levi GraysonDream MomsVest in Show
Season 2
The Falcon and The Raven - Part OneThe Falcon and The Raven - Part TwoBecauseCop To ItWeirder ThingsThe MisstepsAll Sewn UpOh Father, Where Art Thou?The Trouble With LeviHead Over WheelsThe Most Interesting Mom in the WorldSleevemore Part One: FrozenSleevemore Part Two: FoundSleevemore Part Three: FutureRaven's Home: RemixSwitch-or-TreatJust Call Me VicNew Dog, Old TrickIt's Your Party and I'll Spy If I Want ToWinners and LosersKeepin' It Real
Season 3
Friend-ShipLost at Chel-SeaSmoky FlowTwister, SisterDress to ExpressDiss TrackDisorder in the CourtSchool House TrapCali DreamsCreepin' It RealGirls Just Wanna Have PhonesFriday Night TightsIt's Not Easy Being GreenCrewed UpSorry to Father YouBah HumbuggedThe Foreign IdentityWhat About Your Friends?AdolessonsClose ShaveHoop StreamsSlammedOn EdgeThe Story So-FaIn-Shoe-encerLevel Up
Season 4
Raven About Bunk'dDon't Trust The G in Apt 4BBaking BadBig Little SurpriseTesscue MeSharp Job-jectsHow I Met Your MentorMad About YuletideWheel of MisfortuneDiff'rent StrikesFresh Off the Note10 Things Debate About YouPlays of Our LivesThe Slumber YearsBless This TessAmerican Torah StorySay Yes to the ProtestSaved by the BelleSo You Think You Can Drive
Season 5
The Wrong VictorThe Big SammichEscape From Pal-CatrazA Streetcar Named ConspireClique Bait21 Lunch StreetRetreat YourselfNew Kid on the Chopping BlockMr. Petracelli's RevengeDate ExpectationsThe Great Chill Grill GiveawayTruth or HairMunch Ado About LunchingTo Halve & Halve NotThe Fierce AwakensThe Grand Booker-Pest HotelA Girl Called TashaTying the Astro-KnotKeeping It 100Stylin' & Profilin'Big Burger, Small FryRaven and the Fashion FactoryA Day Without BaxtersBridge Over Troubled DaughterA Country Cousin Christmas
Season 6
European Rae-cation: Part 1European Rae-cation: Part 2Sold to the Highest FibberBlues Beard's RevengeTess Friends ForeverA.I., A.I., Oh… Snap!Lizard Let LieAin't That a Sidekick in the HeadWhat Had Happened Was…Sneaks and GeeksReality CheckWorking for The WeekndDrop it Like it's Hot!Raven's CloneCuda I Have This Dance?You've Got SaleGown to the WireWhose Line is it Anyway?