Chen Flores Reunion Transcript
We start off at the Baxter house where Ivy and Neil are preparing for a surprise visit from their cousins
"I am so ready to reunite with my cousin." Ivy says
"As am I with mine." Neil said
"You guys never mentioned your cousins before. What are they like?" Booker asked
"You'll like Tiffany. She has the same personality as me." Ivy said
"Smart and sarcastic?" Alice asked
"Don't push it!" Ivy said
"When was the last time you saw her?" Victor asked
"It's been years Mr. B." Ivy replies
"Well I think it's nice that you're reconnecting with your families. It must be very sad after not seeing them for a long time." Raven said
"Didn't you leave Nia and Devon behind in Chicago?" Victor asked
"Isn't Mom still in England?" Raven asked
Doorbell rings
"She's here! …
Chen Flores Reunion
Chen Flores Reunion is a special fanfiction story of Raven's Home set during Season 6. It was uploaded on August 14, 2023.
- 1 Plot
- 2 Main Cast
- 2.1 Recurring Cast
- 2.2 Special Guest Cast
- 3 Trivia
Ivy and Neil get a surprise visit from their cousins; Tiffany (Ivy) and Gwen (Neil) from Bunk'd. Booker who already knows Gwen reunites with her. Soon Tiffany and Ivy hit it off and they soon start hanging out a lot even without Booker, Neil and Ivy causing them to feel betrayed.
- Raven-Symoné as Raven Baxter
- Issac Ryan Brown as Booker Baxter-Carter
- Mykal-Michelle Harris as Alice Baxter
- Felix Avitia as Neil Flores
- Emmy Liu-Wang as Ivy Chen
- Rondell Sheridan as Victor Baxter
- Ernie Grunwald as Lazlo
- Juliana Joel as Nikki
- David Parks as Dave (uncredited)
- Nina Lu as Tiffany Chen
- S…
Since I miss out on season 6 on the bunk’d wiki but it won’t felt the same because I skipped the whole season 6 for not commenting. I going make the last blogpost in bunk’d wiki that I going to leave for the time being. The true is I almost cuss at the admin but I didn’t because I didn’t wanted to risk getting blocked again. The true is I afraid to return to the bunk’d because I probably say I wrong thing and probably being blocked longer and I could miss out of the whole season 7 for not comment. I didn’t wanted to risk being in the bunk’d wiki for season 7.
ps I going probably leave the bunk’d for few months or gave up on that wiki forever.
I wasted the whole season of bunk’d wiki to not comment
The truth I wanted to comment to the season 6 of bunk’d wiki but I can’t because this stupid blocked. I wasted the entire season 6 to not comment on bunk’d wiki.
RuneMagle Won’t unblocked from bunk’d wiki
RuneMagle blocked from bunk’d wiki for a whole year and it sort of no fair for me. I already that this same admin twice or more and other probably twice. A waiting for a whole year being unblocked in the bunk’d wiki is sorted like a slapped in the face. If I hasn’t been blocked in bunk’d wiki because this will never. The truth I didn’t wanted to wait for a whole year to be unblocked in bunk’d wiki. It won’t be fair for me because I WASTED THE WHOLE SEASON 6 NOT TO COMMENT IN THE BUNK’D WIKI. This how I feel because being blocked in the bunk’d wiki for a whole entire year is like police officers shooting black peoples. That how I feel being blocked in bunk’d wiki like what prison felt like. Being blocked from bunk’d wiki is felt a p…
Look like I wasted the whole season 6 of bunk’d wiki
Since I was blocked in bunk’d for entire a whole year and wasted most of season 6 not comments in the bunk’d. It kind of hard for me of waiting for a year. It feel like repeating the whole drama thing In almost five years ago. Having me blocked in bunk’d wiki is kind of harsh punishment. Could have been blocked in bunk’d wiki for one month instead of whole year. I am disappointed that admin listened to that cyber bullying and that user told on me is a cyber bullying.
The villains of valley view crossover
I hopefully raven home season 6 could do a crossover with The villains of valley view crossover.
Season 7
Season 7 of Raven's Home, was officially announced by Disney Channel and the cast on December 16, 2022. Disney Channel ordered the season for 24 episodes. But ordered 10 more episodes for the season. Filming began on January 6, 2023, and wrapped up on July 24, 2023. The season premiered on February 11, 2023 and concluded on December 16, 2023.
- 1 Synopsis
- 2 Cast
- 2.1 Main Cast
- 2.2 Recurring Cast
- 2.3 Special Guest Cast
- 2.4 Episodes
- 2.5 Confirmed dates
- 3 Trivia
Raven Baxter and Booker Baxter, find themselves moving to their Country Cousin's house after the events of A County Cousin Christmas, Alice finds out shes going to a school that's gifted for kids. Victor also moves In the house, wanting to find out more about Alice. Neil is still working at with Ivy working…
I got bad news because I had a sick dog
Reason is our dog got sick because she not eating very well. It very hard on us because we care for her to get better. I wish I put it on community central blogpost but it got removed because all the drama happened in the past. Our dog is very sick because she probably won’t make it to Christmas. We buy our dog Christmas present on this year Christmas but I don’t know if she will last that long. Please pray to help our dog feel better.
Raven home season 6 episode idea
- Nia visit: nia come to visit her family.
- booker’s past vision: booker having a past vision about dinosaurs.
- alice find out: Alice find out booker is psychic.
- vision mix up: booker having a vision of a parallel universe that Neil is psychic.
- raven vs booker vision game: raven challenge booker a visions off.
- raven and booker: They tried figure out what went wrong.(part 2)
- black panther: booker is signed up to be a black panther in a school play.
- the future vision: booker having the vision of the future.
- lost pirate treasure: booker having a visions about a pirate treasure hunt.
- lost in treasure island: booker, ivy, and Neil are stranded on a island(part 2)
- the color dye prank gone: booker and Alice prank on each other but it caused them, the family, f…
Bunk’d season 7 ideas
- The ranch Bigfoot
- cow and dare(truth and dare)
- The lost little cowboy
- cowboy flavor ice cream
- the musical ranch
- the musical ranch 2
- cowboy game
- cowboys vs cowgirls
- movie day ranch
- wedding plan(Jessie and tony getting merry)
- wedding plan gone wrong
- wedding plan start over
- The wedding day(10-13 is a 4 part’s special)
Look like I going mis not comment on season 6 on bunk’d
I know I wanted to comment on bunk’d wiki for season 6 and I going to miss out on comments the whole season 6. Each of the bunk’d episodes and I going to miss out not comment them. I always wanted to comment on the bunk’d wiki for season 6 because I like too. I wanted to comment in the bunk’d because Important to me because it so great comment in bunk’d wiki for each season. I asked one the admin to unblocked me from bunk’d. Look like I going to wait all the way to be unblocked in 7/13/23. I was blocked in the bunk’d wiki for a whole year missing out not comment on bunk’d wiki for season 6.
P.S. I know it not related to raven home wiki! This could be the only way one admins can see this. Let user miss out on comment in bunk’d for a…
Say Yes to the Protest Alternate Ending
The alternate ending starts off at the apartment where Raven is doing the dishes when Booker, Nia and Tess walk up to her
"Mom can we talk?" Nia asked
"Shouldn't you be in your rooms?" Raven asks
"We wanted to say we're sorry for not listening to you." Booker said
"We just wanted to help out our planet, we didn't realize what we were doing was wrong." Nia says
"We hope you can forgive us Ms. B." Tess said
"Yeah I forgive you. But you kids had to understand that protests can be dangerous. What if you kids got injured and I wasn't there to stop it. I can't live with myself to see you guys get hurt and/or possibly killed." Raven said
"We know." Nia says
"We promise from now on, if there's another protest happening, we'll let you know so we can go tog…
Prediction season 5 episode
- Nia mind reading
- levi trip flashback
- holiday mix up
- tess new skill
- booker learn Spanish
- wrong movie
- late morning
- cooking school
- swap talent
- halloween gone wrong
- Springfield trip
- Springfield trip 2
- rv thanksgiving
- booker lose his Christmas craves
- opposite day
- booker’s father and son day
- father and daughter dance
- moving day
- moving day 2
that all I think of but it my make up idea or prediction.
My five fave episodes; What r urs
1.Cali Dreams
2. Vending The Rules
3. In Vision of Privacy
4.The Foreign Identity (I dont think i spelled that right but whatever)
5.Sharp Job-Jects
Bonus (One coming in the future that I cant wait for based on the plot): Fresh off the Note
What r urs?
Screen Play: Coop and Cami Get Bunk'd with Raven to the Max
Screen Title: Coop and Cami Get Bunk'd with Raven to the Max
The crossover episode starts off at the Wrather house where the kids (except Charlotte) are happy that it's summer vacation
"Finally it's summer vacation." Cooper said
"No more school." Cami says
"Until September." Ollie said
"Which is in 3 months." Cami said
"It's a shame Charlotte has to work all summer." Ollie said
"Sucks to be her." Cooper said
"Kids can you come here." Jenna said
The kids enter the living room
"What is it?" Cooper asked
"What's going on mom?" Cami asked
"What's up?" Ollie asks
"I'm sending you kids down to a summer camp." Jenna said
"What?!" Cooper yelled
"Really?" Ollie asked
"Why?" Cami asks
"Come on. Camp will be so much fun. You'll be doing a lot of activities and making…
Coop and Cami Get Bunk'd with Raven to the Max
"Coop and Cami Get Bunk'd with Raven to the Max" is a fanmade episode of Raven's Home. It is a crossover with Coop and Cami Ask the World, Bunk'd, and Sydney to the Max.
- 1 Plot
- 2 Cast
- 2.1 Raven's Home Cast
- 2.2 Sydney to the Max Cast
- 2.3 Coop and Cami Ask the World Cast
- 2.4 Bunk'd Cast
- 3 Trivia
Booker, Tess, Levi, and Nia, along with Coop, Cami, Ollie, and Fred (from Coop and Cami Ask the World) and Sydney and Olive (from Sydney to the Max) are send to Camp Kikiwaka for the summer.
- Raven Symoné as Raven Baxter
- Anneliese van der Pol as Chelsea Grayson
- Navia Robinson as Nia Baxter
- Issac Ryan Brown as Booker Baxter
- Jason Maybaum as Levi Grayson
- Sky Katz as Tess O'Malley
- Ruth Righi as Sydney Reynolds
- Ava Kolker as Olive Rozalski
- Jackson Dollinger as Young Max Reynolds (ca…
ScreenPlay: Bunk'n on Raven's Home
At Camp Kikiwaka, the campers are discussing on what they should do today
Lou: Alright campers what activity do you want to do today?
Matteo: I got a good one.
Ava: No science experiments.
Matteo: Did I say science?
Ava: No.
Finn: What do you have in mind?
Matteo: How about we go to Chicago and visit the Baxter-Grayson family.
Noah: Oh good idea.
Gwen: Yeah it would be nice.
Lou: Raven did say we can visit them. I guess we can close the camp for a week and go visit them. Good idea Matteo.
Matteo: Thanks.
Ava: Booker is so cute.
Destiny: What did you say?
Ava: Uh nothing.
Finn: Did you just say Booker was cute?
Ava: No.
Matteo: Well I'll tell Levi that we're coming to visit them.
Noah: You do that.
We now cut to Chicago at the Baxter-Grayson house
Levi: Guys I…
Bunk'n on Raven's Home
Bunk'n on Raven's Home is a fanmade special of Raven's Home. It is a crossover with Bunk'd.
- 1 Plot
- 2 Cast
- 2.1 Raven's Home Cast
- 2.2 Bunk'd Cast
- 2.3 Trivia
Lou, Destiny, Finn, Matteo, Ava, Gwen, and Noah set out on a trip to Chicago where they meet up with Raven, Chelsea, Booker, Levi, Nia, and Tess.
- Raven Symoné as Raven Baxter
- Anneliese van der Pol as Chelsea Grayson
- Navia Robinson as Nia Baxter
- Issac Ryan Brown as Booker Baxter
- Jason Maybaum as Levi Grayson
- Sky Katz as Tess O'Malley
- Miranda May as Lou Hockhauser
- Mallory James Mahoney as Destiny Baker
- Raphael Alejandro as Matteo Silva
- Will Buie Jr. as Finn Sawyer
- Shelby Simmons as Ava King
- Scarlett Estevez as Gwen Flores
- Israel Johnson as Noah Lambert
- This is a direct sequel to Raven About Bunk'd.
- This is the seco…
Meeting Cast Members/Cameos
I'm just curious -- has anybody here has gotten to go to a live taping of the show and meet any/all of the cast members, and/or have ordered a Cameo from any of them? I have never gotten to go to a live taping, since California is a LONG ways away from where I live, I'm on a budget and things are pretty crazy in this country right now, anyway, with all this CV stuff. But I did get to order a Cameo from Annaliese (my favorite cast member on Raven's Home), and it was FANTASTIC! Annaliese went above and beyond for me, giving me a longer and more personalized video than I expected from her. It was especially amazing considering how little of my personal info she really had to work with (thanks to a 250-character limit on the video request form…
Nia and Levi should hang out more
Who thinks there should be some episodes where Levi and Nia actually hang out I mean we only see him hang out with Booker and Tess but we never really see Levi and Nia interact with each other the only time they ever really hang out is in close shave, smoky flow, and the story sofa but they didn’t do much they were just in the train station trying to get to a concert in close shave, they were doing a video along with Tess and Booker in smoky flow and getting a new couch in the story sofa but they unknowingly didn’t realize that there were money in there I don’t really care if they hang out in the subplot because the exact same thing happened whenever Levi and Tess hang out when Booker hangs out with him it’s usually in the main plot
My Top 5 Favorite Episodes
Without much reason, here are my top 5 favorite episodes of Raven's Home:
1. The Trouble With Levi
2. Because
3. The Most Interesting Mom in the World
4. Switch-or-Treat
5. Winners and Losers
So Wesley wins a raffle where he gets to explore his knowledge of supernatural creatures and more. Gabby wants to go with him cuz she wanted to meet her friends in Chicago so she lies to her mum saying she is going camping.
Wesley and Gabby go to Chicago which is close to where she is from. Whilst Raven gets a vision seeing that she sees aliens and unknowns girls in her roof as well as would u wrsther. Gabby and Wesley get to Chicago and Gabby goes to the Baxter's roof to call her friends in Chicago but then goes to sleep cuz she didn't get any sleep.
Booker, Nia and levi wait cuz they r excited to see aliens and coop and cami in her rooftop. Coop and cami try to get WiFi so they could livestream so they go to the rooftop as well. Raven asks…
Meeting Sky Katz
I got the chance to meet Sky Katz (Tess) back at the ARDYs this June, and since I was a big fan of the show, I wanted to meet her and the cast. I picked to meet sky first. however, she was really rude to me. She asked me why I was there but in a really rude way along with other rude comments, I'm not going to tell you. However, I also got the chance to meet other nicer celebs there. but yeah. I'm not going to hate on Tess, since I could get banned but I felt I needed to share that.
Season 3 (Early Version) (My Opinion)
Season 3 of Raven's Home, was confirmed by EP and star, Raven Symoné, on several media outlets on October 10, 2018. Disney Channel officially confirmed Season 3 on November 29, 2018. Filming began on November 8, 2018. It premiered on June 28, 2019.
- 1 Synopsis
- 2 Cast
- 2.1 Main Cast
- 2.2 Recurring Cast
- 3 Episodes
- 3.1 Confirmed dates
- 3.2 Unconfirmed dates
- 4 Trivia
- Raven-Symoné as Raven Baxter
- Issac Ryan Brown as Booker Baxter
- Navia Robinson as Nia Baxter
- Jason Maybaum as Levi Grayson
- Sky Katz as Tess O'Malley
- Anneliese van der Pol as Chelsea Grayson
- Jonathan McDaniel as Devon Carter
- Kaliko Kauahi as Principal Kwan
- Jenna Davis as Sienna
- Roz Ryan as Miss Bertha
- Teshi Thomas as Danni
- Travis Wolfe Jr. as Lil Lo-Lo
These are episodes that have confirmed titles and dates.
- 06/28/…
Psychic Abilites
1. Clairvoyance : contrary to popular belief clairvoyance is not the ability to see the future but the ability to see world-wide events such as car accidents,future events,past events, personal information about someone or something.
Note: I will continue to add more feel free to contribute if you like if there is any problems let me know and I will fix it
Thank you.
Raven’s Home/Andi Mack/Bunk’d/DuckTales/Tangled: The Series Crossover
Hey there 👋! You may or may not have read my comment I posted on this wiki (and other ones concerning this topic) about having a big, awesome, animated crossover of some of Disney Channel’s shows today. I have a plot that might suit the writers’ tastes’, and yours. But before we get into that, the crossover would contain the following shows:
-Raven’s Home
-Andi Mack
-Tangled: The Series
-Big Here Six: The Series
NOTE: Not all of main/recurring characters from each show would be in this event. The story revolves around the notions of DuckTales. This will be a 2 hr special. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Plot:
Flintheart Glomgold, Scrooge McDuck’s arch nemesis, finds ‘the purple jewel’ that makes people evil and d…
Freaky Friday mess
This is one hour special
Everybody started fighting for what reason. Levi is fighting at brooker for not standing up for Levi. Tess is fighting at nia for a boy crush. Chelsea is fighting at raven for not has future vision but their is a solar eclipse past the sun. Brooker and raven future visions get stronger and rise their hand at their friends. Brooker and Levi switch body and they both has future vision. Nia and Tess switch body too and not has future visions. Raven and Chelsea switch body too and they both had future visions too. They realize this could be permanent and no way to fix it.
in: Blog posts I made a raven home fanfiction
I make this fanfiction because I want it to my own series.
This is only one shot and it might fellow as my own series.
I hope you like it!
P.S I might be a good writer or not be good at it.
I'm only about halfway through dreamcatcher but it's a fantastic book and if you haven't read it yet you should. It revolves around four friends who had saved a boy with Down's syndrome from local bullies 25 years ago and (in the present) they on a hunting trip every year. This year, however, they are caught in a war between aliens from "Planet X" and an army led by an insane colonel!
Yo, let me tell you something Had my vision all worked out, but then life had other plans It's crazy when things turned upside down but you gotta get up and take that chance
Maybe I'm just finding my way Yeah, we're gonna be okay
It might be wild but you know that we make it work We're just kids caught up in a crazy world, c'mon
It's Raven's Home (Yup, we get loud) It's Raven's Home (It's our crowd)
Might be tough but together we make it look good Down for each other like family should
It's Raven's Home ([?]) It's Raven's Home (We got love)
Cause no matter the weather you know we gon' shine There for each other you know it's our time
Yup, that's us
Hello Users!
After my previous discussion post, I have finally decided to use Discussions as a key feature for this wiki.
If you are not comfortable with using this, you can use the blog instead.
I know that neither of these options are suiting and that the Forum was more suitable...but because of this new feature...I'm sincerely restricted to advancing and including more features.
Jonathan McDaniel reprises his role as Devon on the show!
Raven’s Home will blast viewers into the main character’s present time where Raven-Symone is the mother of twins (one has psychic abilities), and lives with best friend Chelsea (Anneliese Van der Pol) and her son. Now, an exciting addition has been announced.
According to E! News, actor Jonathan McDaniel will step back into the shoes of Devon Carter. As you may know, Devon was Raven’s boyfriend for a couple of seasons. In TV land, the pair married and had children but later divorced.
That’s So Raven premiered in 2003 and won multiple NAACP Image Awards and Kids Choice Awards. The show followed the San Francisco high schooler and her supernatural powers. Per E!, Gary Marsh, president and chief creative officer of Disney Channels Worldwide, ex…