“ | Scared? Booker, I've modeled in Fresno. By the end of the shoot, your mom is going to love me, maybe even more than she loves you. | ” |
— Cami to Booker |
Cami Rivera is a teen resident of San Francisco and a student at Bayside High School. The chance to get to know her better is the reason why Booker doesn’t return to Chicago. She is the daughter of Alana Rivera.
She’s portrayed by Marissa Reyes.
Season 5[]
- A Streetcar Named Conspire
- Clique Bait
- New Kid on the Chopping Block
- Mr. Petracelli's Revenge (mentioned)
- Date Expectations
- The Great Chill Grill Giveaway
- Truth or Hair (mentioned)
- Munch Ado About Lunching
- The Fierce Awakens
- Keeping It 100 (mentioned)
- Stylin' & Profilin' (mentioned)
- Raven and the Fashion Factory (mentioned)
- A Day Without Baxters (mentioned)
Season 6[]
- Lizard Let Lie (mentioned)
- What Had Happened Was…
Cami is first introduced at the The Chill Grill when she asks Booker for ketchup as her table had none. Booker fumble distracted over Cami's beauty and handled her napkins instead. Neil and Ivy told him that Cami goes to their school when asked about her. Ivy mentions Cami only goes out with the coolest guys, while Neil implies, she's bisexual after that. Booker later receives a vision of her implying that she'll be a significant part of his future prompting him not to go back to Chicago and staying with his mom and grandpa.
- Originally, the role was meant for a single character named "Jamilla," (for the character's original sides, click here) as Booker's love interest and neighbor. Her mother "Nancy" would have also been a main character. However, the producers decided to split the attributes of the part, creating "Cami" for the love interest, and "Ivy" as the friend and neighbor, when they decided Alana and Raven should not be neighbors.
- It is revealed by Neil that she is bisexual.
- In Munch Ado About Lunching, it is revealed that she had an ex-girlfriend named Ash.
- In the original script, it was Ivy that handed over the ketchup.
- As of The Great Chill Grill Giveaway she and Booker are officially a couple.
- She and Booker shared their first kiss in Munch Ado About Lunching.
- Towards the end of Season 5, Cami goes on an extended school trip to Costa Rica.
- As of Lizard Let Lie, she and Booker have officially broken up.
- As stated in What Had Happened Was…, She and Booker are now just friends.
- Actress Marissa Reyes featured this wiki page in an Instagram story on April 1, 2022.[1]
The image gallery for Cami Rivera may be viewed here.