Raven's Home Wiki
We are going to bring the duchess back to the palace, swap her for you, and no one will ever know this happened. All we have to do is like,.. find her first.
Raven to Alice.

European Rae-cation: Part 2 is the second episode in Season 6 of Raven's Home and the one-hundred and sixth overall. It premiered on April 16, 2023 to 0.23 million viewers.


Alice runs into trouble at Buckingham Palace, and Raven, Booker, and Victor come to the rescue. Meanwhile, Neil and Lazlo try to get the unexpected patrons out of the Chill Grill.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Absent Cast[]


  • The title is a play on the 1985 film National Lampoon's European Vacation.
  • This episode filmed on November 10-11, 2022.
  • This premiere was preceded by a repeat airing of Part 1.
  • King Charles mentions his son and heir, Prince Wiiliam.
  • When Alice is stalling before the harpsichord performance by greeting the king and guests, it's very similar to how Raven stalled before her presentation for science class in the That's So Raven episode Blue In The Face.
  • The piece covertly played by Rafferty on the harpsichord was the Alla turca of Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11, commonly known as the "Turkish March."
  • The Baxters walk across Abbey Road, as The Beatles did on the cover for their eleventh studio album, which shares the same name as the street.
    • They also visit Stonehenge, which is 87 miles away from London.
  • Booker's mention of Sherlock Holmes employing a "mind palace" indicates that he has been watching a version of the detective set in contemporary times, rather than adventures of the original character set during Victorian England.
  • Tanya Baxter was mentioned, as Victor talks with her on the phone.
  • As an American, Raven is not eligible to add Dame or Lady to her name, but she can affix the initials K.B.E. for "(Honorary) Knight of the British Empire."
  • This is the seventh episode with no visions, with the previous six being Sleevemore Part Three: Future, Lost at Chel-Sea, Date Expectations, The Grand Booker-Pest Hotel, Big Burger, Small Fry, and European Rae-cation: Part 1.


Ravens Home Logo
The image gallery for European Rae-cation: Part 2 may be viewed here.


Raven's Home Episodes
Season 1
Baxter's Back!Big Trouble in Little ApartmentThe Baxters Get BouncedThe Bearer of Dad NewsYou're Gonna Get ItAdventures in Mommy-SittingDancing TweenVending the RulesIn-Vision of PrivacyFears of a ClownThe Baxtercism of Levi GraysonDream MomsVest in Show
Season 2
The Falcon and The Raven - Part OneThe Falcon and The Raven - Part TwoBecauseCop To ItWeirder ThingsThe MisstepsAll Sewn UpOh Father, Where Art Thou?The Trouble With LeviHead Over WheelsThe Most Interesting Mom in the WorldSleevemore Part One: FrozenSleevemore Part Two: FoundSleevemore Part Three: FutureRaven's Home: RemixSwitch-or-TreatJust Call Me VicNew Dog, Old TrickIt's Your Party and I'll Spy If I Want ToWinners and LosersKeepin' It Real
Season 3
Friend-ShipLost at Chel-SeaSmoky FlowTwister, SisterDress to ExpressDiss TrackDisorder in the CourtSchool House TrapCali DreamsCreepin' It RealGirls Just Wanna Have PhonesFriday Night TightsIt's Not Easy Being GreenCrewed UpSorry to Father YouBah HumbuggedThe Foreign IdentityWhat About Your Friends?AdolessonsClose ShaveHoop StreamsSlammedOn EdgeThe Story So-FaIn-Shoe-encerLevel Up
Season 4
Raven About Bunk'dDon't Trust The G in Apt 4BBaking BadBig Little SurpriseTesscue MeSharp Job-jectsHow I Met Your MentorMad About YuletideWheel of MisfortuneDiff'rent StrikesFresh Off the Note10 Things Debate About YouPlays of Our LivesThe Slumber YearsBless This TessAmerican Torah StorySay Yes to the ProtestSaved by the BelleSo You Think You Can Drive
Season 5
The Wrong VictorThe Big SammichEscape From Pal-CatrazA Streetcar Named ConspireClique Bait21 Lunch StreetRetreat YourselfNew Kid on the Chopping BlockMr. Petracelli's RevengeDate ExpectationsThe Great Chill Grill GiveawayTruth or HairMunch Ado About LunchingTo Halve & Halve NotThe Fierce AwakensThe Grand Booker-Pest HotelA Girl Called TashaTying the Astro-KnotKeeping It 100Stylin' & Profilin'Big Burger, Small FryRaven and the Fashion FactoryA Day Without BaxtersBridge Over Troubled DaughterA Country Cousin Christmas
Season 6
European Rae-cation: Part 1European Rae-cation: Part 2Sold to the Highest FibberBlues Beard's RevengeTess Friends ForeverA.I., A.I., Oh… Snap!Lizard Let LieAin't That a Sidekick in the HeadWhat Had Happened Was…Sneaks and GeeksReality CheckWorking for The WeekndDrop it Like it's Hot!Raven's CloneCuda I Have This Dance?You've Got SaleGown to the WireWhose Line is it Anyway?