Raven's Home Wiki

Miles is a recurring character in Raven's Home. He is a student at the Sleevemore Center For Psychically Gifted Children. He is a "pusher" with the ability to slightly influence an individual's thoughts with his own.

He is portrayed by Faly Rakotohavana.


Mind Control[]

Miles has the psychic ability of mind control or as he calls it "suggestion." He demonstrated this when he used it on Leslie and made her have to go to the bathroom but before she went she said it out loud.  


Appearances []

Season 2[]


  • Dr. Sleevemore likely brought him to 352 Hauser Avenue in Sleevemore Part Three: Future to help him carry his canoe back.
  • He accidentally switches bodies with Great Aunt Maureen during Halloween.
  • Faly Rakotohavana would later go on to portray Prince Matteo in the Disney+ Original Movie, Secret Society of Second-Born Royals.


Ravens Home Logo
The image gallery for Miles may be viewed here.
