Raven's Home Wiki
No. I'm not different because I'm trans, I'm different because I'm an heiress.
— Nikki to Raven

Nikki is a young adult resident of San Francisco, that becomes Raven's unpaid assistant for Ravenous Fashions. She comes from a wealthy background, but her father restricted access to her trust fund unless she has a job. Nikki is the first transgender character in Disney Channel history.

She is portrayed by Juliana Joel.


Season 5[]

Season 6[]



Nikki does not believe that being transgender makes her different but being an heiress does. Nikki is an unmotivated slacker with poor punctuality. On top of that, she has a short attention span and tends to forget things very easily but is very silly and has good intentions in the end. She also tends to be incredibly ditzy in a comedic way.

Physical Appearance[]

Nikki is an incredibly beautiful young Latina woman of average height and very slim and petite figure. She has tan skin, brown eyes, long straight dark brown hair, a small upturned nose and full lips with pink lip gloss on them. She wears some makeup and wears colorful and glamorous clothes and high heels. She always has decorated finger nails.


  • Raven acknowledges that Nikki is transgender in Raven and the Fashion Factory which Raven states makes her amazing, not different.
  • Nikki knows pop star Ariana Venti (the former Ariana Murphy).
  • She also knows Raven's former acquaintance J.J., from Boyz N' Motion.
  • She is also BFFs with media star Greta Gardunkian.
  • A Day Without Baxters proves Nikki is capable of fulfilling her Ravenous duties, if motivated.
  • Her family owns an island.
  • Alice comments that Nikki is not very organized in Sold to the Highest Fibber.
  • Nikki's coffee order is an unstirred Cinnamon latte with mocha on the side, with whipped cream in the middle.
  • Her episode of Gettin' Down With the Gardunkians with Raven was shown during Lizard Let Lie.
  • She is the second character named "Nikki" (as opposed to "Nicki") introduced to the franchise. The first was "Nikki Logan" an actress that took advantage of Raven's psychic abilities, in the That's So Raven episode Unhappy Medium.
  • In addition to Nikki being the first transgender character, her actress Juliana Joel is also the first openly trans actress on Disney Channel.[1]
  • A.i., A.i., Oh... Snap! premiered on Juliana Joel's 29th birthday.
  • Nori Reed, the writer of the episode where Nikki was introduced, has confirmed that she now envisions her as a transgender character, saying, "I think I may have created the first ever trans character for the Disney Channel!"[2][3][4]
  • In the original script for The Fierce Awakens:
    • The character was called "Drew."
    • The character was described as "EARLY 2000'S CELEBUTANTE VIBES."
    • Nikki takes a bottle of water off of Raven's desk.
    • She makes a barf noise when describing the food of the restaurant (The Chill Grill) below them to Raven.
  • In the original script for The Grand Booker-Pest Hotel:
    • When Nikki asks for an office peacock, Raven claims to be allergic to them.
    • When Nikki arrives to the loft, she asks if Raven knows what Nikki missed by being there, Raven asks what, Nikki replies she doesn't know because she missed it.
    • Nikki claims to have worn boot leggings before Ariana Venti.
    • Nikki tells the She.E.O. Club that she and Ariana Venti were once trapped in a Sultan's limo with an angry tiger, and Ariana declared she would sing the giant feline to sleep, which to Nikki's annoyance is exactly what happened.
    • Avery begs Nikki to finish the story of how she and Ariana Venti still got to the Met Gala if they only had one parachute between them.
    • Nikki tells Raven that she made a "terrible mistake" by being "too fascinating" to the She.E.O. club, calling them "paparazzi without cameras," and flees to the storage closet to elude them.
    • After the She.E.O.s have left, Raven asks Ivy how they will get Ariana Venti to show up, and as if on cue, Nikki pops her head out of the storage closet.


Ravens Home Logo
The image gallery for Nikki may be viewed here.


My dad says the only way for me to get my trust fund is if I have a job. What even is that?
— Nikki to Raven

