Raven's Home Wiki

Go down it? What do we look like, ninja warriors?
— Paige to the older kids.

Paige was a young resident of San Francisco, a student at Katherine Johnson Tech, who was part of Ms. Rader's fourth grade class with Alice Baxter. She joins Alice as a sixth grader at Johnson Tech Middle School.

Paige is played by Pyper Braun.



  • She was with Dylan for a time.
  • Paige and Alice Baxter skipped fifth grade.
  • Her mother works for a performance venue
  • She and Alice normally each lunch together,
  • In the original script of Retreat Yourself:
    • Paige and the other kids dismantled the Baxter TV after Booker told them to watch cartoons.


Ravens Home Logo
The image gallery for Paige may be viewed here.
