Raven's Home Wiki
This falcon named Ernesto stole Pinky.
Raven to her kids.

"The Falcon and The Raven - Part One" is the first episode in Season 2 of Raven's Home and the fourteenth overall. It first aired on June 25, 2018, to 0.96 million viewers.[1]



When Booker has a vision of his mom losing the money hidden in her backpack, he enlists Nia and Levi to help him follow Raven and rescue the money before it goes missing.[2]

Full Plot[]

Ever since Raven made ten thousand dollars after selling her jacket, she hasn't figured out yet how to spend the money. Every once in a while she just lays down in the bathtub and covers herself with the money just to let the happiness sink in. This morning, she stays in the tub for so long that Booker, Nia, Levi and even Tess and Chelsea run out of patience waiting for her to get out so that they can use the bathroom.

After letting them in, the kids start fantasizing about how they're going to spend the money. But Raven makes it clear that it is her money. Chelsea asks Raven to help with her urban gardening but Raven has to go for her new job as a Scüt driver. While the kids are still discussing how to spend the money, Booker gets a vision that Raven is going to lose the money. On hearing that, Tess gives up on the money and goes to shoot some hoops. Nia can't wait for her mom to lose the money when she knows they could do something about it. She tells Booker he has to warn their mother, even if that means revealing that he is a psychic.

Booker pleads with Nia to look for an alternative. He tells her that having visions is the one thing that makes him special. If they tell Raven about it, she wouldn't understand. Nia understands and leads Booker and Levi to search for the money and hide it. They tear down Raven's room looking for the money but can't find it. They conclude that Raven must have taken the money inside the pink backpack that she went out carrying. Since Booker can't tell Raven about his vision, Nia comes up with a plan for them to follow Raven and steal the bag with the money and keep it somewhere safe for her mom. Nia uses the Scüt app to track her Raven who is on the road as part of driving for Scüt.

Meanwhile, Raven gets a new passenger, Norman who comes in carrying a falcon. The falcon's name is Ernesto. Norman warns Raven not to look Ernesto directly in the eyes but Raven is scared of falcons. So, she freaks out and keeps staring at the falcon, which causes her to drive incoherently in the wrong direction. Booker and Nia come towards where Raven's car is on the map. Unable to take it anymore, Raven stops the car to deal with the falcon. In the chaos, she opens the door, letting the falcon out. Booker takes the opportunity to grab the pink backpack without Raven noticing. After the commotion, Raven's passenger leaves angrily but warns her that she's made a big enemy - Ernesto. Raven later looks at the front passenger seat and is shocked to find the pink bag missing. The Baxter twins and Levi agree to hide the money in a place where their mother would never look - Chelsea's rooftop urban garden.

Chelsea has been working on her urban garden on the roof. Tess walks in and tries to force Chelsea out so that she can shoot some hoops. She challenges Chelsea to a hoops shooting competition. If Tess wins, Chelsea will stop gardening and let Tess play there. But if Chelsea wins, Tess would have to help her in gardening. Tess thinks this is going to be a piece of cake. Little does she know that Chelsea is a pro at shooting basketball hoops. Tess is shocked when Chelsea, dubbing herself, "The Tomato Tornado" easily beats her at hoops and makes her help with gardening.

While gardening angrily and without looking, Tess accidentally shovels the backpack that Booker and Nia had hidden there. The backpack falls off the roof down to a structure with wet cement. Nia, Booker, and Levi notice the backpack falling. So, they run there to rescue it. Unfortunately, it's too far to reach. So, they form a human chain with Levi closest to the bag. However, when Raven arrives back from her disastrous Scüt trip, the twins freak out and drop Levi into the cement. Raven figures out that the kids are up to something but she doesn't have time for that. She is ready to get revenge on the falcon for stealing her backpack, "Pinky." She goes to Chelsea on the roof and starts explaining what happened. The kids then join them, with Levi covered with cement while holding the pink backpack.

Raven asks the kids for an explanation as to why they stole her pink backpack. Nia tries to come up with a lie, but Booker realizes that it's time to come clean. Booker and Nia share a look to make sure that they are both okay with the decision. Booker then tells Raven that they did it because they knew she was going to lose the money. He reveals to Raven that he has visions. Raven is so happy she can't believe that her son is psychic too.

At that point, Chelsea tells Raven that this is the perfect time to tell the kids that she's psychic too. Raven doesn't want to because she is not ready. So, she looks at the kids as if she wants to say something. But she hesitates.

... To be continued in "The Falcon and The Raven - Part Two" ...


Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


  • The events of this episode continue directly into "The Falcon and The Raven - Part Two".
  • This episode's plot is driven by the money that Raven got in "Vest in Show".
  • Booker finally reveals to Raven that he's psychic after hiding it since "Baxter's Back!."
  • This is the second episode where Tess is seen playing basketball. The first is In-Vision of Privacy.
  • Raven is now working as a Scüt driver after quitting her canine clothing designing job in Vest in Show.
  • When Chelsea tells Tess she would have schooled her in dance as well, it may be a reference to the fact that Chelsea majored in Interpretive Dance at College. Plus she stated this in Vending the Rules.
  • Chelsea calls a basketball in the episode a “rock”, just as she did in The Bearer of Dad News.


  • Booker finally tells Raven he is psychic.
  • This is the second multi-part story in the Raven franchise after "Country Cousins".
  • The title is a play on the 1984 film, The Falcon and the Snowman.
  • The title is interesting since it contains two bird names.
  • This episode premiered as part of the 2018 Disney Channel GO! Summer promotion.
  • This is the season premiere of Raven's Home Season 2.
  • This is the only season premiere where Raven did not get a vision.
  • This was the highest-rated Disney Channel episode that aired on June 25, 2018.
  • Ernesto was originally named "Freddy," as the title implies, he is not done with Raven yet.
  • Technically, "falcon" is used to indicate the female of the species, the male term is "tercel."
  • This episode marked the first appearance of Raven's car in the series.
  • Booker had a vision in this episode that did not occur until the second part.
  • It is revealed Chelsea is a good basketball player.
  • Raven calls her backpack, "Pinky."
  • Like their moms, Booker and Levi now sleep in bunk beds.
  • Alec Mapa previously appeared in such Disney shows as Dog With A Blog and J.O.N.A.S. He also guest-starred in an episode of The Cosby Show, which then had a very young Raven-Symoné as part of its main cast.


  • Booker gets a vision of Raven saying that "Oh no! Our money is gone!"


They call me the Tomato Tornado.
Chelsea to Tess

International Premieres[]

  • July 23, 2018 (United Kingdom)


Ravens Home Logo
The image gallery for The Falcon and The Raven - Part One may be viewed here.


A completed transcript of this episode may be viewed here.


Raven's Home Episodes
Season 1
Baxter's Back!Big Trouble in Little ApartmentThe Baxters Get BouncedThe Bearer of Dad NewsYou're Gonna Get ItAdventures in Mommy-SittingDancing TweenVending the RulesIn-Vision of PrivacyFears of a ClownThe Baxtercism of Levi GraysonDream MomsVest in Show
Season 2
The Falcon and The Raven - Part OneThe Falcon and The Raven - Part TwoBecauseCop To ItWeirder ThingsThe MisstepsAll Sewn UpOh Father, Where Art Thou?The Trouble With LeviHead Over WheelsThe Most Interesting Mom in the WorldSleevemore Part One: FrozenSleevemore Part Two: FoundSleevemore Part Three: FutureRaven's Home: RemixSwitch-or-TreatJust Call Me VicNew Dog, Old TrickIt's Your Party and I'll Spy If I Want ToWinners and LosersKeepin' It Real
Season 3
Friend-ShipLost at Chel-SeaSmoky FlowTwister, SisterDress to ExpressDiss TrackDisorder in the CourtSchool House TrapCali DreamsCreepin' It RealGirls Just Wanna Have PhonesFriday Night TightsIt's Not Easy Being GreenCrewed UpSorry to Father YouBah HumbuggedThe Foreign IdentityWhat About Your Friends?AdolessonsClose ShaveHoop StreamsSlammedOn EdgeThe Story So-FaIn-Shoe-encerLevel Up
Season 4
Raven About Bunk'dDon't Trust The G in Apt 4BBaking BadBig Little SurpriseTesscue MeSharp Job-jectsHow I Met Your MentorMad About YuletideWheel of MisfortuneDiff'rent StrikesFresh Off the Note10 Things Debate About YouPlays of Our LivesThe Slumber YearsBless This TessAmerican Torah StorySay Yes to the ProtestSaved by the BelleSo You Think You Can Drive
Season 5
The Wrong VictorThe Big SammichEscape From Pal-CatrazA Streetcar Named ConspireClique Bait21 Lunch StreetRetreat YourselfNew Kid on the Chopping BlockMr. Petracelli's RevengeDate ExpectationsThe Great Chill Grill GiveawayTruth or HairMunch Ado About LunchingTo Halve & Halve NotThe Fierce AwakensThe Grand Booker-Pest HotelA Girl Called TashaTying the Astro-KnotKeeping It 100Stylin' & Profilin'Big Burger, Small FryRaven and the Fashion FactoryA Day Without BaxtersBridge Over Troubled DaughterA Country Cousin Christmas
Season 6
European Rae-cation: Part 1European Rae-cation: Part 2Sold to the Highest FibberBlues Beard's RevengeTess Friends ForeverA.I., A.I., Oh… Snap!Lizard Let LieAin't That a Sidekick in the HeadWhat Had Happened Was…Sneaks and GeeksReality CheckWorking for The WeekndDrop it Like it's Hot!Raven's CloneCuda I Have This Dance?You've Got SaleGown to the WireWhose Line is it Anyway?