We start off at the Baxter house where Ivy and Neil are preparing for a surprise visit from their cousins
"I am so ready to reunite with my cousin." Ivy says
"As am I with mine." Neil said
"You guys never mentioned your cousins before. What are they like?" Booker asked
"You'll like Tiffany. She has the same personality as me." Ivy said
"Smart and sarcastic?" Alice asked
"Don't push it!" Ivy said
"When was the last time you saw her?" Victor asked
"It's been years Mr. B." Ivy replies
"Well I think it's nice that you're reconnecting with your families. It must be very sad after not seeing them for a long time." Raven said
"Didn't you leave Nia and Devon behind in Chicago?" Victor asked
"Isn't Mom still in England?" Raven asked
Doorbell rings
"She's here! Don't embarrass me!" Ivy yelled
Ivy opens the door and sees her cousin who happens to be Tiffany Chen from Bunk'd as the audience cheers
"Ivy!" Tiffany yelled
"Tiffany!" Ivy yells
Ivy and Tiffany hug each other
"It's been a long time since I last saw you." Ivy says
"Yeah well with my mom having me take an early college it has been some time. I was glad that I got a week off. Oh hey Neil. You've gotten taller." Tiffany says
"Good to see you too, Tiffany." Neil said
"You must be Booker. Nice to meet you." Tiffany says
"Nice to meet you too, Tiffany." Booker said
"Oh and that's Alice, Raven and Victor." Ivy said
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you." Raven said
"What's that Tasha? You're right, Tiffany does have similar traits to Ivy." Alice said
"Well they are cousins so it makes sense." Victor said
"Don't you two have to go to work or something?" Neil asked
"Crud you're right. Dad let's go!" Raven said
"Booker's in charge! Do what he says! Alice don't burn the place down!" Victor yelled
"No promises." Alice says
"Okay, bye!" Victor and Raven say as they drive off to the Chill Grill
"Well I guess they aren't meeting my cousin." Neil said
"When's he getting here?" Booker asked
"Actually my cousin that's coming to visit is a girl and she will be here soon." Neil replies
"Where is she from?" Alice asked
"Most of her life she and her family spend years growing up in the woods." Neil replied
Doorbell rings
"I got it." Booker said
Booker opens the door and sees Gwen Flores is on the other side as the audience cheers
"Booker?!" Gwen yelled
"Gwen?!" Booker yelled
"You know my cousin?" Neil asked
"Yeah we met at Camp Kikiwaka back in 2020." Gwen replies
"What's Camp Kikiwaka?" Alice asked
"A fun summer camp in Maine." Booker replied
"I remember that place. I miss going there." Tiffany said
"Why did you stop going?" Ivy asked
"Back in the near end of summer in 2017, my mom came to visit and thought it was a camp for geniuses. Once she found out the truth, I almost had to leave forever but Emma, Lou and Zuri showed her how fun it is so she let me stay for the rest of that summer. Then once I reconnected with her, I stopped going. Plus she found out what an awful person Gladys was. Also with my smart skills, I graduated high school at the age of 16 and then you know my mom put me in an early college." Tiffany replies
"Who's Gladys?" Booker asked
"The original owner. She's scarier than the actual Kikiwaka creature." Tiffany replied
"There's a real Kikiwaka?" Gwen asked
"Oh yeah, Gwen. Ravi and I got chased by it." Tiffany replied
"Well I went there from 2019-2020 then due to budget cuts with my parents, I couldn't go anymore but I went to visit them in 2021." Gwen says
"Wow funny how both of your cousins went to the same camp." Alice says
"So Gwen how are things going with you and your boyfriend?" Neil asked
"Very great. Matteo told me that Lou is no longer in charge of the camp." Gwen replies
"She's not?" Tiffany asked
"Nope." Gwen replied
"What happened to her? Did Lou get the camp shut down with all the health code violations?" Booker asked
"No, she, Noah and Parker are now at a camp ranch in Wyoming. Ava is now in charge of Camp Kikiwaka and I heard Finn is now a counselor." Gwen replies
"Oh well good for him." Ivy said
"Oh and apparently Destiny is also a counselor." Gwen said
"Wait aren't you supposed to be a C.I.T. first before becoming a counselor?" Tiffany asked
"I guess Lou ended that once she took over." Gwen replies
"Wait who's Parker?" Booker asked
"Turns out he's the co-owner now. He even had his own R.V." Gwen replied
"Had? What happened to his R.V?" Neil asked
"I was told he sold it so he and Lou can open that Kikiwaka Ranch in Wyoming." Gwen replied
"How do you know all of this?" Tiffany asked
"Destiny told me. We keep in contact with each other." Gwen replies
"What's that Tasha? You're right they are making it seem like summer camp is fun." Alice says
"So what should we all do?" Tiffany asked
"We can go to the Chill Grill and grab some lunch." Neil replied
"What's the Chill Grill?" Gwen asked
"It's my pop-pop and Auntie Rae's restaurant." Alice replied
"I'll drive." Booker said
As Booker grabs his keys, he stares off into space and starts to have a vision
The Vision
"Gwen and I are getting along very well." Tiffany says
"Yeah who knew Tiffany and I had a lot in common." Gwen said
Vision Ends
Neil and Ivy walk up to Booker as Gwen, Tiffany and Alice walk outside to Booker's car
"What did you see?" Neil asked
"I saw Tiffany and Gwen saying how they are going to get along well." Booker replied
"Let's just get going." Ivy said
We cut to Raven's studio upstairs where Nikki walks in late
"Sorry I'm late." Nikki says
"You're always late." Raven said
"Well it's not my fault the traffic is bad. So what are we working on?" Nikki asked
"Dad and Lazlo are wanting to host a contest to see who can dress in the most stylish clothes ever." Raven replies
"Why?" Nikki asked
"So dad can get more business in the Chill Grill." Raven replied
"You really think they can pull off in fashion?" Nikki asked
"I'm his daughter so I'm sure there's nothing to lose." Raven said
At that moment, Raven stares off into space and starts to have a vision
The Vision
"I'm sorry but I don't think I like these clothes." Lazlo said
Vision Ends
"Lazlo doesn't want to wear my fashion clothes?" Raven asked
"What are you talking about?" Nikki asked
"Uh I have a strange feeling that Lazlo doesn't want to wear these clothes. Not like I had a vision or anything." Raven replies
"Relax I know you aren't psychic. Like I said before, if you were psychic you would be way more successful than this." Nikki says
"Okay well I'm going to work hard to make these clothes fashion enough for Lazlo to wear." Raven said
In the Chill Grill the others are eating lunch while Booker is telling Gwen why he is in San Francisco
"And that's why I'm currently in San Francisco." Booker says
"Wow that must be rough." Gwen says
"Yeah." Booker says
"So why didn't Nia come with you and your mom?" Gwen asked
"They originally planned to spend a couple days in San Francisco but they came back and caught Pop Pop eating unhealthy so they chose to stay until his health is back to normal." Alice replied
"So you guys basically left Nia behind in Chicago?" Gwen asked
"Well when you put it that way, you make it seem like a bad thing." Booker replied
"Isn't she staying with her dad now?" Ivy asked
"Well I'm going to help out with Auntie Rae." Alice said and exits the scene
"So Gwen have you and your family thought about moving out of the woods?" Neil asked
"I try to convince them but they don't listen." Gwen replies
"I feel like I remember this one kid who was kicked out of Camp Kikiwaka and was banished to live in the woods." Tiffany said
"So how are you enjoying your stay so far?" Ivy asked
"Well Gwen and I are getting along very well." Tiffany says
"Yeah who knew Tiffany and I had a lot in common." Gwen said
"That was my vision." Booker whispered to Neil as he nods
"Hey Gwen I just saw there's a street fair happening. Want to go check it out?" Tiffany asked
"Well I have never been to a street fair but okay." Gwen replies
"Oh you'll have so much fun." Tiffany said
Tiffany and Gwen quickly leave the Chill Grill and they get in a taxi to go to the San Francisco Street Fair
"Did they just leave us here?" Neil asked
"I think they did." Booker replied
"Eh I'm sure it's nothing. I don't know how old Gwen is but Tiffany is 19 years old now so at least Gwen's with an adult." Ivy said
"Yeah and hopefully they won't do anything to cause trouble or completely forget about us." Neil says
And soon enough Booker stares off into space and starts to have another vision
The Vision
"How can you completely forget about me? All day long I was wanting to hang out with you and catch up with you but clearly you didn't want to!" Ivy said
Vision Ends
"Did you have another vision?" Ivy asked
"Uh yeah. I think Tiffany is going to forget all about you." Booker replied
"What about Gwen? Does she forget about me?" Neil asked
"I'm not sure. You weren't in it." Booker replied
"You better hope that vision does not come true!" Ivy yelled
"99% of the time they come true." Booker says
In the Chill Grill kitchen, Victor hands Dave two plates of food
"These go out to table seven!" Victor yelled
Dave walks away with the plates as Lazlo enters
"Is Raven almost done with her designs?" Lazlo asked
"Not yet. She's still finishing up." Victor replied
"What do you think it will be?" Lazlo asked
"I don't know but if it's made by Raven Baxter, I'm sure the audience will love to see us wear it." Victor replies
Back in Raven's office she has now finished with the designs for Victor and Lazlo to wear
"Well it took me 4 hours but I think I'm done." Raven says
"These are your best designs yet." Nikki said
"Pop pop will really like this." Alice said
"Let's hope so." Raven says
Soon enough, Raven freezes and starts to have another vision
The Vision
"Thanks for making these designs Raven." Victor says
Vision Ends
"And now I have another feeling that dad will like them." Raven said
Cut scene to the Baxter house where Tiffany and Gwen walk in with a bunch of prizes
"See I told you street fairs would be fun." Tiffany says
"You were right Tiffany. This was the best day ever." Gwen said
"Although it feels like we're forgetting about something." Tiffany says
"Yeah us!" Ivy yelled as she, Neil and Booker are in the living room
"I see you two had fun." Booker says
"Oh yeah we did." Gwen says
"Ivy I'm so sorry. I guess I was having so much fun with Gwen that I completely forgot about you." Tiffany says
"How can you completely forget about me? All day long I was wanting to hang out with you and catch up with you but clearly you didn't want to!" Ivy said as she runs out the door
"Was that your vision?" Neil whispers to Booker
Booker nods
"Ivy, wait!" Tiffany yelled
"Neil you know I would never forget about you. Tiffany was just showing me all the fun stuff in San Francisco that we sort of lost time." Gwen says
"Well you know I understand but it looks like you need to go talk to Ivy. Both of you." Neil says
"Where do you think she's gone off to?" Tiffany asked
Booker stares off into space and starts to have yet another vision and sees Ivy at the street fair
The Vision
"Ivy I never really forgot about you. Gwen and I were spending the whole day just to win prizes for you and Neil." Tiffany says
Tiffany hands Ivy a giant stuffed animal
"Wow I always wanted a giant stuffed animal. Okay, Tiffany I forgive you. You really are the best cousin ever!" Ivy said
"I know I am." Tiffany says as she and Ivy hug
Vision Ends
"I think I know where they are." Booker says
Back at The Chill Grill, Raven is holding a microphone
"Hello everyone thanks for coming to the 2023 Chill Grill Fashion Contest hosted by me, Raven Baxter." Raven says
"And her assistant Nikki." Nikki said
"It took me hours to make but I think you will like them. Dad, Lazlo come on out!" Raven said
Victor and Lazlo are walking on the stage wearing the fashion clothes
"Wow Pop Pop looks great in fashion." Alice says
"So what do you two think?" Raven asked
"I'm sorry but I don't think I like these clothes." Lazlo said
Everyone gasps
"Oh no that was my... feeling I sensed." Raven said
"How can you not like her clothes?" Victor asked
"Do you know how hard she worked on them?!" Nikki asks
"You didn't let me finish! I don't like these clothes! I love them!" Lazlo replies
"Oh I guess I misinterpreted my uh feeling that I Raven Baxter sensed." Raven said
"That's So Raven!" Victor said
"Well these designs are creative." Lazlo says
"Yeah, thanks for making these designs Raven." Victor says
"I knew you were going to say that." Raven said
"What's that Tasha? You're right. This is the weirdest fashion show I've ever seen." Alice says
"I've seen weirder." Nikki said
We cut to the street fair where Ivy is sitting on a bench and eating some cotton candy when the others walk up to her
"Ivy!" Tiffany yelled
"There you are." Neil said
"Oh great you found me." Ivy says
"Why are you so upset?" Booker asked
"Because Tiffany forgot about me all day long!" Ivy yelled
"Ivy it's not like that!" Gwen says
"Gwen's right! Ivy I never really forgot about you. Gwen and I were spending the whole day just to win prizes for you and Neil." Tiffany says
Tiffany hands Ivy a giant stuffed animal
"Wow I always wanted a giant stuffed animal. Okay, Tiffany I forgive you. You really are the best cousin ever!" Ivy said
"I know I am." Tiffany says as she and Ivy hug
"Was that your vision?" Neil quietly asked Booker
"Uh huh." Booker said
"And Neil I got you this awesome hat." Gwen said as she hands Neil a San Francisco hat
"Thanks, Gwen." Neil said
"Now this is lovely." Booker said
Soon Booker's phone rings as he gets a call from his twin sister Nia
"Hey, Nia. Sure I got time to talk." Booker said
The final scene takes place at the Baxter house where Tiffany and Gwen are packing up to head back home
"I'm really going to miss you, Tiffany." Ivy said
"I'll miss you too. I promise I'll try to come back to visit one day." Tiffany says
"Get home safe, Gwen. Tell Jasper I said hi and that I miss him." Neil said
"You can tell him right now. He's on the phone. Hi Jasper. Yes he's right here." Gwen said and hands her phone to Neil
"Hey Jasper. Yes I miss you too, buddy. Hoping to see you guys at Christmas. Okay I'll let you go. Love ya." Neil said and hands Gwen her phone back
Raven, Victor and Alice walk in
"What's going on here?" Raven asked
"Family reunion." Booker replied
"Oh hi Mrs. Baxter." Gwen says
"Aren't you that forest girl from Camp Kikiwaka?" Raven asked
"I'm from camp too but I guess they all forgot about me." Tiffany replies
"Well I don't want to miss my plane. Bye Neil." Gwen says
"See ya, cuz." Neil said
"Call me as soon as you land, Tiffany." Ivy said
"You know I will." Tiffany says
With that, Tiffany and Gwen walk out of the Baxter house
"Okay I think I want to go to Camp Kikiwaka next summer." Alice says
"Isn't that all the way in Maine?" Victor asked
"Yes it is." Booker replied
"You won't believe the day we had." Raven said
"I don't think we have time for that." Ivy said
"We'll see you tomorrow, Booker." Neil says
"Bye guys." Booker said as he and Neil half hug goodbye
Neil and Ivy walk out the back as Booker heads upstairs
"Do they not want to hear how Lazlo and I both won the fashion contest?" Victor asked
"Guess not." Alice replied
The End